Marketing Mistake 57: Marketing Too Early Before The Event

Naked Marketing Podcast with Guest, Barby Ingle

Barby Ingle is an inspiration to everyone: She was a coach and a teacher before being diagnosed with a chronic pain syndrome that prevented her from doing heavy work. Instead of allowing the condition to control her, she set out to help more people like herself find meaning in their lives and overcome their pain, even when it seems too hard to do so.

She is now a patient advocate and works with various NPOs and LLCs to spread awareness about chronic pain. She explains that despite current research on the condition, scientists still don’t understand why chronic pain happens or how to properly treat it. So many people live with the condition, but choose to thrive despite it – but there needs to be more that is done.

Barby explains that her biggest marketing mistake was announcing an event too early without knowing all the details. She would tell people to “save the date”, only to find herself unable to answer any question when people started asking her for more information. By the time she got the data, most people were no longer interested.

She ends by saying that while having “analysis paralysis” is bad for marketing, being too eager to market a product is equally detrimental.

Barby’s Top Suggestions On How To Avoid Makings Mistakes

  • Be consistent with your messaging – The goal of marketing is to build trust and credibility among your customers. To do this, they need to feel that you are consistent with what you say and what you do. Regularly audit your marketing strategies to assess whether all your communications (from online to in-person) are aligned with your company goals and values.
  • Market only when you have data – Don’t market too early when you don’t have the information to back it up. People who are interested in the product or service that you are marketing WILL ask you for more information and you need to be able to give them that. Only market something when you have all the data.
  • Be passionate about what you market ­– Now, more than ever, do people need to feel that they are working with a genuine and legitimate brand. Being passionate about what you’re offering will naturally reflect in your marketing strategies. It’s best if you really feel like your product or service can help other people.

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About Your Host: Chala Dincoy

Chala Dincoy is the CEO and Founder of The Repositioning Expert (division of Coachtactics), www.repositioner.com. She’s a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients.

In her former life, Chala was an award winning marketer at companies such as Pepsi, Pizza Hut, Frito Lay, Diageo, Playtex and BIC Inc for 18 years. Now she’s a successful entrepreneur, and the author of 4 books including Gentle Marketing: A Gentle Way to Attract Loads of Clients. Chala’s also an expert featured on major television networks such as ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, as well as a frequent speaker at Nasdaq, Harvard Club of Boston and International Business Conferences.


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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients