If you simply can’t make a quick decision and you are a procrastinator of the worst kind, you’re probably overthink things. You know you’re an Overthinker if things you commit to are always late and you’re still not satisfied with how they’ve ended up. Help is here Overthinkers, take a look at the list below so you too can get things done fast!
1. Focus on being adaptable, not perfect. Instead, aim to be adaptable. That strategy relieves the burden on individual decisions and gives you more power to change course once you get new information.
2. Embrace the possibility of failure.Take the fear of failure off the table by thinking of failure differently. Rather than seeing it as an end point, think of it as a beginning. See it as new information that gives you an opportunity to adapt and improve — an expected step toward success.
3. Listen to your gut instinct. If you’re not sure what you really want to do, toss a coin. Your gut instinct has the wisdom of your experience and expertise — trust it.
via How to Stop Over Thinking and Get Things Done.
I love the ‘Embrace Failure’ one the best because once you’ve done that, what could upset you? You’ve already accepted not to be perfect or right or successful, what could possibly be worse than that? If you’re upto the challenge of doing these things, then I take my virtual hat off to you.
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