B2B Sales Myths

There are so many myths in the world of sales that it stops a lot of small businesses from hitting their goals. And yet having worked as a corporate buyer who bought from companies for 18 years, I can tell you with certainty what these myths are, so that you can avoid them.

Trust Takes Too Long

I almost lost a client once about this one myth relating to corporations. She felt that she should be using her first meeting with a corporate buyer to only build a friendly rapport and not get into the steps of the Sales Process that I was teaching her. She was terrified of looking too eager and sales-y. She was so wrong. Research shows that not only are corporate buyers busier than ever, they’re looking for solid information including pricing in the first meeting. My clients build quick trust through their laser-positioning and messaging. Strategic marketing and selling builds credibility far faster than a hundred meet and greets ever do.

More Leads Doesn’t Equal More Sales

One of the biggest sales mistakes is to judge a sales rep’s success by the number of leads they have and the number of outbound outreach they’re making. Sadly more leads don’t mean more sales. More Quality leads do. What determines quality? First, a proper strategy that determines who the company’s ideal target client is and whether they’re a qualified lead. Screeners, questionnaires and pre-meeting conversations all help hone in on better leads. NOT quantity of leads.

B2B Marketing Content Must Be Boring

Humans at work are still humans. Humans buying for their company still have problems. Content that relates to those problems can never ben boring to them. 70% of these humans only buy when there’s a problem. So why would they not be captivated by social media and marketing collateral that speaks to their pain. Pain is never boring as long as it’s relevant to the buyer themselves.

It’s Hard to Meet Corporate Buyers

When I teach my clients to make a marketing plan based around an industry or an interest group, it’s because these are naturally self-congregating groups where corporate executives, including buyers interact on a regular basis. If the buyer themselves can’t be accessed directly through these industry events, then surely their managers and vendors can. Strategic marketing and networking places you squarely in proximity to your target and makes it easy to meet corporate buyers.

Following Up Too Soon Kills Deals

Following up too soon and too many times doesn’t kill deals, in fact, most sales reps fall into the category of ‘Time Kills Deals’. Meaning, they wait too long and don’t follow up nearly enough times to make the sale. Statistically, 80% of buyers only say yes after the 5th touch. Imagine how much money is being left on the table when you fumble Follow Up. Of course, I teach my clients how to vary the method, channel and message each time a follow up is done to make sure to stay relevant and memorable but in the end, it’s a necessary evil.

B2B Sales Myths are often created out of fear and frustration and can be stopping you and your team in your tracks. Take heed of my above list and bust those limiting beliefs to soar higher than your previous years.

Want to reposition your messaging to grow your leads? Follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook, watch my Podcast on YouTube or connect with me on LinkedIn –and let’s talk.


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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients