Busy is the new black. We are almost hilariously competing with each other for how much busier we are compared to the next gal. Last time I looked though, busy certainly didn’t translate into leads or sales. As a small business marketing coach, I gave this idea some thought and here are some key things you need to be watching out for:
What Are You So Busy With?
Your calendar is actually a crystal ball for your business performance in the coming months. Whenever a client complains that the phones aren’t ringing, I have to remind them that 3 months ago they were swamped with that big project and swimming in working IN the business which meant that all time for marketing was cut down to a big fat zero.
Look to see what percentage of your calendar is made up of working IN the business vs. working ON it? I can predict your future sales by looking at this ratio.
Face Time Much?
If your calendar shows that the majority of your time with prospects is face to face rather than through passive means like social media or your newsletter, this is also a very big indicator of your upcoming sales. My clients experience the biggest and fastest shifts in their business when they spend actual real-time with their potential clients, whether on the phone, in a networking meeting or having coffee with them.
Say Ohmmm
Your calendar is also the place you can see if you have that much sought-after balance for your life. If your calendar is jam-packed with business tasks from 8am to 10pm, 6 days a week, what I’ve learned is that something in your life is suffering. Unfortunately if you’re incapable or unwilling to shift that imbalance, no amount of meditating (ohm) or exercising is going to help. So get down to the real issue of why you’re allowing that imbalance. Is it fear that if you don’t work hard, you’ll starve? Is it in avoidance of something uncomfortable in your family relationships? Do the work on yourself to become self-aware then take a look at revising your calendar.
When your calendar reflects a balance between doing your job and marketing your job, when it’s balanced with a good hefty dose of fun and family, then you will see your business results surge.
Need more chicken soup for your biz? Follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook or connect with me on LinkedIn –and let’s talk

Business Not Growing? Take a Look at Your Calendar
About Chala
Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients