It’s bad news when CEOs don’t post
To post or not to post, that is the answer. Post on social media that is… a 2016 Brandfrog survey revealed that a whopping 75% of respondents believed that C-suite social media engagement makes a brand seem more trustworthy and honest. Worse yet, this number increased from 68% just one year ago!
Not Going There
Unfortunately, 61% of CEOs have no social presence whatsoever and only 60% of CEOs who have Twitter accounts are actually tweeting. Why is it that most CEOs are not going there when it’s clearly something that benefits their company? Working with CEOs to help get their brands more leads and visibility, I’m afraid I can guess at some of the answers to that and here they are:
No Time To Pee
CEOs I work with often claim to be so time-starved that social media is the last thing on their minds. In fact, one research I saw hilariously quoted a CEO as saying that he was so busy that he didn’t even have time to pee. So how are these important people supposed to be making time to actually post anything? The answer to that is that it becomes a lifestyle thing. One CEO client made the commitment to just post Linkedin questions to targeted groups 15 minutes a day. She got many clients and candidates from this small time investment. It’s just a choice, really.
What Am I going to Say?
CEOs often think that they need to have a thousand legal approvals and pre-approved relevant content to engage in social media. Not so. Like the Zuckermans and Bransons of the world, you too can balance business with your personal life in sharing yourself online. You too can curate content from other respected industry leaders and add your humble 2 cents about the topic. Remember, social media is a way to get CEOs closer to the regular masses of customers, prospects and employees. It makes a person (and brand) approachable and human.
Trust is the Name Of The Game
In the day and age of Volkswagen, Bridgestone and Tiger Woods where trusted brands go to busted brands, if CEOs can have a clear impact on trust, then they have to keep their presence in the digital game of social media engagement.
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