Listen To My 'Gentle Marketing' Radio Interview

Are you a shy marketer? Do you hate in-your-face-marketing? Don’t you think it’s 100% better to have clients be attracted to YOU? I believe so strongly in this topic that I wrote a book on it (coming in May!)
Listen to my hilarious radio interview with BizRadio and BizTV host David Wojcik on this topic of marketing on a shoestring budget while being authentic, attractive and generous.

It’s all about being clear on who you are as a business, who your ideal bullseye target customer is and how to get in front of them with the right message. It’s also virtually free because you were born with the best marketing tool and that’s your personality.
Picking the right niche is also free since all it takes is talking to your potential target groups to find out if you offer something of value to them.
Once you get those two things right, then you ask them where they hang out and go hang out with them! Simple, isn’t it?
I want you too to be a Gentle Marketer. It’s easy, cheap and best of all, it’s effortless.
Need more chicken soup for your biz? Follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook or connect with me on LinkedIn –and let’s talk!


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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients