The Anatomy of An Ecstatic Client Voicemail

Every coach wants to get a call like this. I listened to it over and over again and now share it with my client’s permission!
“Chala it’s Maryann. I did it, I sold a $500 package. I am so freaking awesome. I love it thank you thank you thank you. I love you. This is amazing. Oh my God and he felt immediately relief he like oh my God I can actually walk better. So it is so wild. Oh my God. Oh give me a call or I’ll try calling you or text you or let me know when’s the good time so I can talk to you. Holy crap this is great. Bye.”

I want to briefly outline the steps we took to get Maryann to almost triple her sales in 3 months:

Step1: She Niched

Maryann was a reflexologist. We isolated 1. weekend warrior athletes, 2. small business owner women, 3. cancer survivors and 4. healthy active boomers as potential WHO targets. Then we asked them ‘What is the most persistent and painful issue you have in your body that you would hire help around?’ Our research showed that the biggest market potential was with women entrepreneurs around helping them with neck and back pain. It turned out that when stress would manifest in the body as pain, it most often resided in these two areas.

Step 2: She Changed Her Marketing

Reflexology by Maryann now became Neck Relief Gal. When Maryann introduced herself with this new brand, people were no longer confused about what she did and how she helped. Her website is soon to undergo similar changes.

Step 3: She Created Packages Around Her Niche

When we looked at how busy entrepreneurs were needing her services, it was rarely only a one time service. Maryann, who is also trained in the use of essential oils and nutrition for pain management built packages around her niche clients’ needs.

Step 4: She Started To Fish Where The Fish Were

Once we determined her target was established entrepreneurs, Maryann started to research where she could reach her ideal clients. She volunteered at high end golf tournaments, sponsored industry association auctions. Most of all, she learned to network only where successful women business owners were gathering.

Step 5: She Learned The ‘Sales’ Conversation

Maryann learned that a sales conversation is really just a conversation at any place or time about her ideal clients’ pain (literally in her case) around her expertise of stress relief when it manifests in the body. She asked questions such as ‘what is your vision for your health”, then followed up with ‘what is the consequence of no change to this pain”, followed up with “is it ok if I tell you how I think I  can help” and voila, you have the ecstatic recording above!
So you can see that with direction and a process, you can build a very simple plan and a very lucrative business that will send you to the moon with the same happiness that you hear in Maryann’s voicemail.
Want to find out if the market needs you? Follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook, watch me on YouTube or connect with me on LinkedIn –and let’s talk


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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients