Hi, this is Chala Dincoy from Coachtactics.com your no-nonsense marketing coach who gives your small business a booster shot in the arm. In this video I’m going to tell you about the biggest mistake of business owners when introducing themselves and solve the mystery of how exactly you should be talking about what you do so that people end up asking for your business card after they meet you.
Every week, I’m at crowded networking events where people are given the proverbial 2 minutes of self-introduction air time. Most people cringe when this happens because they just aren’t sure what will get people interested in what they do and what they can say to raise eyebrows in pleasant surprise.
Here’s what I recommend that you do. The biggest mistake is talking about your company or your products. Instead, YOU NEED TO walk into a meeting or an event knowing what the number one problem of the group is. For example, if it’s a small business network group, their main challenge will be getting more clients. If it’s a group of mining executives, it will be the erosion (pardon the pun) of their profits in the last 2 years.
So know the specific major pain point of the people you’ll be talking to. THEN, make sure that your introduction talks about their pain and what your solution to that pain is. For example, an introduction we crafted for a client who targets multinational IT companies and sells them language tutoring services introduces herself this way: I help multinational IT companies who suffer from a loss of productivity due to language barriers between headquarters and their regions. We help them communicate better and adapt quicker to cultural differences between them which skyrockets their productivity in record time.
So if you can also stop talking about yourself, your address or your next big project when you meet potential clients and instead start to talk about their pain and their industry challenges, you will have them fall in love with you at Hello. So now that you know what to say to people, you need to know where to hang out to find them.
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The Biggest Mistake Business Owners Make When Introducing Their Services
About Chala
Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients