I was floored when I watched comedian Jim Carrey do a commencement speech at a spiritual university graduation where apparently they meditate as part of the curriculum! I wasn’t only floored that there’s a university that does (called the Maharashi University) that but that Jim Carrey of all people was doing the speech.
And the things he was saying…I listened in astonishment as every single sentence he uttered made my heart sing and my hair stand on its end.
The first and most important thing he made me realize was..
The Most Valuable Currency I Have Is The Effect I Have On Others
Whether on a stage or chatting with my sister, I never really thought about the effect I had on others and how important that was. You are also walking around, making people either feel good or feel nothing. You either choose to lift people up or live your regular life. How would your life change if you viewed your effect on others as a currency? T. Harv Eker says ‘You help enough people get rich, you’ll get rich’. Likewise, you affect enough people in a positive way, that currency will come back to you in a multitude of ways.
Why Fail At What You Don’t Want?
Jim Carrey talks about his dad who wanted to be a comedian but instead was scared of failure so he became an accountant, which he hated. He got fired from that job so Jim concluded “you can fail at what you don’t want so you might as well take a chance on what you love”! I loved this piece because for 20 years in the corporate world, I did things I didn’t love and I was restructured, disrespected, mistreated and still stayed because I was too scared to do what I really wanted to do. I was finally brave enough to leave but every day I see so many others who are still suffering in the same cycle. Why not try for what you love instead?
Your Need For Acceptance Can Make You Invisible
Boy, I can’t believe I was hearing this from one of the most famous and visible faces in the world. Imagine if HE feels that way, how a regular person like me feels! This topic is such a huge new calling for me that in fact, I’ll be speaking about it to a gathering of 30 women tonight. When you want to be perfect, you disappear. When you want to write perfect blogs, have perfect headshots, look perfect on video and want to have the perfect bio that reflects none of the shame and trials that made you, then like many of my clients, you simply choose NOT to show up in your marketing. Please don’t do that. The world needs to hear your imperfection. You need to speak your shame and fear otherwise everyone’s pretending in silence and nobody can help anyone.
If your small business is suffering because you don’t dare to fail or be imperfect and you don’t realize that your true currency lies in your effect on others, then I hope I’ve convinced you to give change a chance.
Need more chicken soup for your biz? Follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook, watch me on YouTube or connect with me on LinkedIn –and let’s talk

What Is Your Most Valuable Currency?
About Chala
Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients