75% of Brands Could Disappear and Nobody Would Care

A recent research showed that three-quarters of brands could stop existing and consumers wouldn’t care and would find a replacement. As a B2B marketing coach, I’m thinking that if consumer brands that pour Millions into their brand awareness and engagement face this, what chance does small businesses stand? Here are ways to stay relevant and memorable in your industry as a B2B company without gobs of cash.

Focus on Them

That’s right, the first step to becoming relevant to your prospects is to convince them that you are focused on them. That’s why customized cold direct messages and emails work better than generic ones. That’s why specialists make more money than generalists. Figure out who to focus on and then be consistently there for them.

Care About Their Cares

Once you’ve got the right group in your cross-hairs (I talk about how to pick a niche in this training), then the job is to figure out their pain. The one big problem they care about. And then you base everything you do around that pain. You create programs, free education, collateral, write books, give talks, you name it. But you start to show that you care about their cares.

Become Relevant

One of the best ways to become relevant to your target is to form a community for them. Bring them into your fold. Allow them to network with likeminded similar folks. Nurture them with continual solutions and penetrate their world. Then they won’t be able to forget, ignore or replace you…unless someone is doing all this better than you, that is…

So if you don’t want your prospects to think that you’re forgettable or replaceable, become important to them. You’ll be around for the long haul while the flashy competitors go out with the next tide.

Want to reposition your messaging to grow your leads? Follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook, watch my Podcast on YouTube or connect with me on LinkedIn –and let’s talk.


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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients