Happy Birthday to Me: My Bucket List


My topless sister and I sunbathing in Montreal

Yes, it’s that joyous occasion again! It’s my birthday. Normally it’s a month-long celebration that I celebrate with clients (thank you Richard and Andrea!) and family non-stop, telling strangers and reminding friends that it’s MY day today! Probably has something to do with what a big deal my parents made of it when we were growing up (hence the recent quadruple-cake celebration for my own 6-year-old!)
My birthday is often a great opportunity for reflection for me. Not to mention for gluttony and self-care, depending on how you look at it.
So this year, I’m putting together my bucket list, you know the list of things you want to do before you kick the bucket (die).
Here’s the list…

1. Co-present on the same stage as Wayne Dyer at a Hay House conference

I love that man. I want to do a talk with him about how to overcome our limiting beliefs to grow our business and reach our dreams. I’ve never heard him speak about business or money mindset but I’m willing to bet he knows a thing or two about those things.

2. Co-present on the same stage as Logan Flajnik

As some of you may know, I have a precocious 6-year-old who I frequently imagine embracing my line of work (don’t we all?) I imagine him bringing peace and joy to the world and sharing the stage with me to bring that message to people of different generations. Right now we’re working on the lying and hitting issues. World peace seems a bit far but hey, that’s why it’s called My Bucket List.

3. Becoming Snowbirds With My Hubby

I’m ready to retire, aren’t you? I look at my parents’ lives with envy. Each trip to Jamaica, I pretend we’re snowbirds and we’re not coming back for 6 months. I can’t wait to become snowbirds in a hot and steamy country where I can wrinkle in the sun and not care because I’m so wonderfully relaxed.

4. Visit The Land Of Hugh Jackman (Australia)

Do I really need to say more? Both Andy and I love this guy so much, we named our son after his character in the X-men movie. I’ve also always wanted to see the place for a long time. I hear it’s a lot like Canada. But with stoned koalas (on eucalyptus leaves, who knew?)

5. Re-set My Money Blueprint to Create Great Financial Wealth

I don’t want to die not learning how to overcome my childhood conditioning and fears around money, risk and wealth. I want to prove that anyone can become wealthy without hurting anyone or anything in the process.

6. Help Make Millionaires Out Of All My Clients

Most of all, I want to teach others how to create great success and wealth around their gift.
So, what can you get me for my birthday you ask (or don’t ask?) How about you send me your bucket list and we’ll compare them!
Want to find out if the market needs you? Follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook, watch me on YouTube or connect with me on LinkedIn –and let’s talk


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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients