How to Get Your Loved Ones to Love Your Business

My loved ones are amazing. It’s only been a year since I launched my coaching practice full time. My family is so supportive that my retired parents are paying for part of my own coach’s hefty fee. My dreamboat hubby is willing to do the heavy financial lifting even though our income has been reduced and our weekly date nights have been curtailed.  The only fly in the ointment is my 3 year old who keeps asking why I have to go to work at night when I go networking. For those who want to be in the same boat as me, here are are some tips on how to get your loved ones to do support you the same way:

1. Keep your family informed. To win your loved ones’ support, you need to be clear about exactly what you’re getting into with this venture. Give them an overview of the business plan, including how you intend to succeed.
2. Acknowledge concerns.If your partner is less comfortable with risk or less excited about your idea, let them know that’s okay and address their concerns. If they feel heard, they will be much more likely to encourage you to follow your passion.
3. Carve out protected family time.Commit to being fully present at nightly dinners, weekend outings, or an evening walk with your partner.
4. Set limits together. Before you’re stuck in the heat of the moment, set ground rules about how much your partner is willing to sacrifice, personally and financially.

When you love what you do but those who love you don’t, there’s no joy in the life that you’re leading as a small business owner. It’s already full of so many challenges to grow the business that you simply don’t need another nay sayer. So take the advice above and get your family to watch your profits soar together.
Need more chicken soup for your biz? Follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook or connect with me on LinkedIn –and let’s talk!



  1. Chala’s radio interview about calming down entrepreneurs | Coachtactics - [...] How to Get Your Loved Ones to Love Your Business (coachtactics.com) [...]

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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients