Marketing Mistake 64: Took Online Funnel Classes That Didn’t Work With Target

Naked Marketing Podcast with Guest, Angela Edwards

Angela Edwards is the CEO of Castle Thunder Consulting, an executive coaching brand focused on scaling small businesses, particularly in shifting their mindset from being overworked and overwhelmed to becoming productive and focused. Angela initially was a certified project manager in the IT industry but felt that her skills would be more useful for small business owners who were struggling with scaling their brands.

When she first started, Angela wanted to learn everything she could about marketing and took several online funnel classes. Still, she was struggling with applying the concepts she learned in daily life, even seeing a downward trend in the number of clients she was receiving. A shift happened when Angela stopped thinking of these classes as “marketing” but as a means of “outreach”. This powerful change helped Angela approach marketing differently: allowing her to speak to clients to help them rather than just sell her services.

Angela recommends you look at marketing as an extension of the service you’re providing or the product you’re offering. It should never be impersonal and should be adapted to suit your company’s vision and goals. Not only does this make you more excited about marketing, but it also gives a positive impression to your target market who will feel how genuine you are.

Castle Thunder Consulting works with small businesses in any industry across the United States.

Angela’s Top Suggestions On How To Avoid Makings Mistakes

  • Think of marketing classes as frameworks – Angela explains that there was a disconnect between what she learned in online funnel classes and what she could apply in real life. She was struggling to market her services correctly until she realized that while online classes are helpful, they should only be used as frameworks for your specific company. Approach a marketing class with the mindset that it is only meant as guidance, not a template.
  • Look at several marketing tactics & try them all – You don’t know what you don’t know, and this includes marketing your business. Angela says that even if she was more inclined toward active marketing strategies (conducting talks and meeting people), she tried other passive marketing tactics (sales funnels) to expand her reach. She says that trying different marketing styles lets you know which ones are truly effective for your brand.
  • Don’t be afraid to get things wrong  – Coming from a project management background, Angela found it difficult to adapt. In her mind, once something is “done”, it’s done forever, and it should be done right the first time. This isn’t the case with marketing. Marketing needs to be continually adapted and it’s perfectly normal for a strategy to not work the first time. Be ready to adapt your marketing strategies throughout your entire career, as necessary.

Connect With Angela Edwards




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About Your Host: Chala Dincoy

Chala Dincoy is the CEO and Founder of The Repositioning Expert (division of Coachtactics), www.repositioner.com. She’s a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients.

In her former life, Chala was an award winning marketer at companies such as Pepsi, Pizza Hut, Frito Lay, Diageo, Playtex and BIC Inc for 18 years. Now she’s a successful entrepreneur, and the author of 4 books including Gentle Marketing: A Gentle Way to Attract Loads of Clients. Chala’s also an expert featured on major television networks such as ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, as well as a frequent speaker at Nasdaq, Harvard Club of Boston and International Business Conferences.


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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients