My Surprising New Year’s Resolutions

HappyNewYear2013ManArmsUp660Yup, I’m an entrepreneur and for me, it’s that time of year when everything is fresh and exciting. It’s also that time where everything seems do-able and fun. So here’s my crack at a list of my 2013 resolutions.
1.       Get on TV
To my everlasting embarrassment, my only previous experience of being on tv was a news footage of a close up of me, unknowingly stuffing a giant piece of lettuce into my mouth at an outdoor café. Unfortunately, the news story was about the fact that health inspectors had closed down the restaurant!  I had people recognize me from that 1 minute reel and laugh at me for months afterwards!
This year, I want to be featured in a slightly different way. I want to spread the word about branding to small biz owners everywhere!
 2.       Stop Talking (So Much)
According to coach training, while pure coaching, we are supposed to listen to the coachee 80% of the time and talk only 20% of the session. In fact, there’s an acronym that we use called WAIT (Why Am I Talking?). Even though I combine consulting into my coaching, I’m resolving to shut up and listen more to everyone around me this year. I’ll bet my hubby will be happy about this one!
3.       Have more coffee
No, I don’t actually want to drink more coffee but to make more coffee dates with people I meet at networking events. Lots of my coffee dates have turned into clients in 2012. 2013 is going to be ALL about building relationships for me.
So what are your crazy and wonderful resolutions this year? Write and let me know, maybe I can help!
Need more chicken soup for your biz? Follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook or connect with me on LinkedIn –and let’s talk!



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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients