The Beatles were right – you can’t buy love

beatlesA lot of small businesses are pouring dollars into campaigns to win the hearts, minds and wallets of their clients. I’m here to make a bold statement (as I am known to make) that often, they are wasting their money.
You Can’t Make People Love You           
In high school, I always wanted to be friends with the ‘cool’ kids. I bought them lunch, told them racy stories or just clowned around trying to win their approval and friendship. Strangely enough, the people I attracted were much different from the ones I thought I wanted to attract.  The lesson was that friendships can’t be bought or coerced. Attraction has to happen on its own.
Businesses Need Client Love
As a small business owner with a tight marketing budget, I knew that I couldn’t spend enough money, buy enough ad space, or send enough flyers to my potential customers to buy their love. All that marketing spending would buy me would be AWARENESS not love.
All around me, I see businesses spending their marketing dollars on ways to make people aware of them. The critical thing they don’t get is that awareness doesn’t equal love.
To Know You Is To Love You
Now, granted once I get to know you, I might fall in love with your message and your personality but the critical piece that’s missing is that small businesses are expecting their awareness campaigns to buy them immediate liking, trust and buy-in. This just doesn’t happen.
How potential clients truly get to know you is to get an experience of how you help them with their pain.
For example, I coach at conferences. I publicly speak about my clients’ pain and their results. I blog about my thoughts and opinions. I send newsletters about my life, my work and my heart.
If you want your clients and potential clients to fall in love with you—just remember you can’t buy their love. You need to show yourself and allow them to get to know you. Then, you will be in their hearts and minds forever.
Need more chicken soup for your biz? Follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook or connect with me on LinkedIn –and let’s talk


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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients