You Have To Respond To The Panic

We are in an unprecedented panic and chaos in the world. That’s not news to you. But if you’re a small business trying to navigate the mess, what might be news to you is that you have to change. And fast.

Pivot Pivot

American Airlines is taking out seats out of their cancelled flights and turning them into cargo planes. Because people are still buying and they’re buying a lot. But they’re buying online. And who has planes to help meet the spike in shipping demand of online orders? American Airlines, that’s who. What about Ford plants who are now going to be producing ventilators? Or The Gap, a clothing company who will be sewing up face masks? These are all awesome examples of how big business is responding to the panic.

Survive Trumps Thrive

So if you’re in the business of helping people or businesses thrive. You have to pivot to selling something to helping them survive. Because right now, if you’re talking about anything other than helping their immediate needs, your audience can’t hear you.

Stop Turtling

On a recent podcast, my mentor Angelique Rewers gave this great example of how businesses are behaving right now. When turtles are startled, they draw in their legs and arms into the shell. They take protective cover. Right now, a lot of businesses are stopping spend, stopping activity. They are in turtle mode. Along with Angelique, I’d like to implore you to stop that. Instead, use the amazing once-in-a-lifetime borrowing opportunities available to you and spend on ways that will enable you to pivot fast.

Your mental health and your bottom line with thank you for it.

If you’re interested in how to pivot during the pandemic, check out my free webinar called “Social Distance Marketing: How to Thrive In the Crazy World of Self-Isolation“.


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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients