5 Reasons People Unfollow You on Twitter

As a complete Twitter novice who nevertheless helps people grow their business, I loved this article about the no-no’s of using it. I was pretty much responsible for 2 of the 5. Yikes! Take a look if you’re guilty too…

1. Every tweet is about your product or service.
I know there are consultants out there earnestly telling their clients to “stay on message” at all times. For a 30-second television interview, that might make sense. In social media, it’s a terrible idea. Retweet someone else once in a while. Tell me about what you’re reading.
2. Your tweets aren’t in English.
If I can’t understand your tweets, there’s no reason to have them in my stream.
3. Your tweets are in English, but I still can’t understand them.
Consider this tweet from earlier today: “RT @ScLoHo: RT @awelfle: @AmyL_Bishop @douglaskarr and what about @scloho? #solomo #yolo #BIN2012 //Yeah Doug?
If all or most of your tweets are full of abbreviations and inside messages, only insiders are likely to follow you. Of course, that may be what you want.
4. All your tweets are conversations.
You probably know that a tweet beginning with the @ symbol appears only in the stream of that user, plus any other users who follow you both. If all of them(your tweets) are things like, “@Someone, great seeing you last night!” “@OtherSomeone, That’s a great idea–let me know how it goes!” and so on, I can’t tell what you really tweet about. I’m likely to move on.
5. Your tweets are all lists of @names.
The long list of people you want to shout out is cluttering up my Twitter stream. I want it to be full of fun and useful information instead.
If you want to make me happy, retweet something I tweeted. If I haven’t tweeted anything worth repeating, then why are you telling others to follow me?
via 5 Reasons People Unfollow You on Twitter.

When you’re learning a new language in a new country, you stumble and make mistakes so in the land of Twitter, I’m a proponent of just getting out there. If nothing else, enjoy having the unprecedented access to the thoughts and actions of your heroes and mentors.
Need more chicken soup for your biz? Follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook or connect with me on LinkedIn –and let’s talk!

1 Comment

  1. aviralkulshreshtha

    Nice one Chala. Thanks a lot, I never knew this before. After reading this incredible post, I gotta learn about using twitter and I can say proudly that I do no-nonsense tweeting and oftenly re-tweet others. Thanks once again. Happy Easter to you and your family..:)


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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients