Amazing Virtual Pivots

I loved reading about these amazing brick and mortar businesses who took a virtual approach to selling. I wanted to share them with you in this week’s post.

Who Needs Gyms Anyway

As a pre-covid gym rat, I would have rather not worked out for days if I couldn’t get to the gym. And I was an addict. I couldn’t sleep without my daily workout. That’s how much I loved my gym. I always laughed at my Mom and Sis who did workouts from Youtube or CD’s. Well, guess who had the last laugh? I’m now a converted Youtube workout junkie. The convenience of when and where and even how is amazing. The variety is crazy. I literally haven’t done the same workout 2 days in a row and I’ve been shut in since March! So it’s no surprise that gyms like Planet Fitness and Goodlife have pivoted to online classes. In fact, even fitness apps like Tone-it Up (for the good looking millennial ladies) who don’t have a brick and mortar store are experiencing record highs in new signups. Online is where it’s at now!


The cleverest (and the cutest) of the online pivots has to be this one. A non-profit animal sanctuary in California, Sweet Farm decided to rent a lama, goat or pig to liven up boring Zoom meetings (where was my Llama this at my call this morning when I needed one?). Branding the service with a play on the famous webinar platform GotoMeeting, they called it Goat-2-Meeting. The clever farmers charged bored Zoomites anywhere from $65-$750 a pop to grace their meeting with the presence of one of their furry residents. I can’t even fathom attending such a meeting. Would they mute the llama or let him chew loudly to get the full bang for their buck? Anyway, the main point is that in order to pivot, you need to be truly creative and a bit of a risk taker. I mean, who would’ve thought that there was a market for this!

Optometrist Who?

An already cool brand of prescription eyeglasses, Warby Parker has taken things to a new level with this online pivot. Not only can you get your sexy fashionable eyewear online but now you can say goodbye to feeling a little too-close-for-comfort during your eye exam with your optometrist. Warby Parker has developed an app to help you measure your prescription. Doesn’t that sound cool? Luckily, you can feel good that a Doctor actually is checking the results, without once having to be next to you! Isn’t that gold during covid, people?

How Do You Pivot?

Well, you’re probably thinking about your business and if it’s an in-person business, you’re wondering how to pivot yourself? How about breaking down how you help people and making any part of the repetitive parts into a video? Then how about turning the custom advice part of your service into a Zoom call? Just don’t forget to invite the llama.

Want to reposition your messaging to grow your leads? Follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook, watch my Podcast on YouTube or connect with me on LinkedIn –and let’s talk.


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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients