Deep Dive with Chris Dayley

Today on Deep Dive I chat with Chris Dayley about his business, Smart CRO which helps businesses improve their conversion rates by 30%.

Chris tells us the story of how he got into the industry, starting with search engine optimization (SEO), and how that led him to start his conversion business. You won’t want to miss this episode, Chris’s curiosity and passion for what he does is contagious!  

Watch as we do a deep dive with Chris and learn:

  1. Why website conversion is essential.
  2. The 3-step process to improve website conversion rates which Chris spent 7 years crafting!
  3. Why businesses with the most messed up websites have the most creatives on their team.
  4. How copying or borrowing other businesses tactics can be ineffective.

| 3 Value Bombs |

  1. Most businesses are leaving money on the table by not optimizing their website conversion rates.
  2. Help your customers get more of what they want on your website. 
  3. Don’t have 3-minute-long videos on your website if the average visit is 1.5 minutes.

Finally, we discuss some of the challenge’s businesses face in converting traffic on their website into sales and how Chris uses value propositions to troubleshoot tricky clients. Chris shares an example of how he used A/B website testing to help one of his clients focus on what matters to the target audience.

Chris offers free website audits!

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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients