Deep Dive with Elizabeth Bachman, Presentation Skills Trainer

Join me today as we welcome Elizabeth Bachman back for a deep dive of her business. She helps high-level women in tech, who have a seat at the table, but still aren’t being heard. And thus they watch the promotions go to younger, flashier people.

What she does is help them use presentation skills to position themselves inside and outside the company as someone to follow, promote or hire.

Watch as we do a deep dive with Elizabeth and learn:

  1. What the biggest mistake she sees high-level corporate women make.
  2. How she has helped them overcome this hurdle.
  3. Success stories of clients she’s helped.

| 3 Value Bombs |

  1. The skills you need to sell a song are the same skills you need to sell an idea.  The skills are to have a strategy, the right script and finally have style/confidence.
  2. In general, throughout childhood and for centuries, Girls are taught to ‘talk nice and be careful’ and Boys are taught to be ‘daring’.  These beliefs can filter into business life today and I help them to shift this.
  3. If you are feeling unheard, borrow the notoriety of someone of merit by quoting them to make yourself sound creditable (name dropping).

| Free Offer from Elizabeth |

See how you’re doing with your presentation skills by taking my free 4 minute quiz – https://Speakforresultsquiz.com

| Follow Elizabeth Bachman |

If you thought what Elizabeth went through was a great experience, complete the application to be my next guest.

#Repositioner #ChalaDincoy #Podcast #PolishMyPitchPodcast


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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients