Deep Dive with Mitch Russo, Business Development Coach

Join me today as we welcome Mitch Russo. 

Mitch works one on one with the founder of a company to create selling systems that are unconventional: certified coach/consultant programs, virtual sales teams, and associations. In the process, he usually discovers several new recurring revenue opportunities as a natural outgrowth of his work.

Watch as we do a deep dive with Mitch and I ask him:

  1. I understand you work with Keynote speakers, what is it that you do now, in light of what’s happening with Covid?
  2. You build unconventional sales channels, can you give me a few examples?
  3. Tell us more about your book: Power Tribes
  4. As a former partner with Tony Robbins, do you have any insights to what it’s like working with him?
  5. I understand you have a podcast, what is that about?

| 3 Value Bombs |

  1. It is key to align people’s true passion into their profession, even if it means changing your view and perspective.
  2. We all have our own 7 summits we want to climb and this is what drives us.
  3. If you offer a podcast doing proper SEO, transcriptions, and podcast reviews are key to organic growth on your website.

| Mitch’s Elevator Pitch |

You know how some amazing keynote speakers have lost their means to earn a living since Covid? What I do is work with speakers to reposition themselves and build their entire online presence so they can rapidly earn money from their message once again. Do you know any Speakers who may need something like that?

| Resources Offered |

► Website | https://mitchrusso.com/

| Follow Mitch Russo |


If you thought what Mitch went through was a great experience, complete the application to be my next guest.

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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients