Deep Dive with Wendy Covey, CEO & Co-Founder

Join me today as we welcome Wendy Covey, CEO and co-founder of TREW Marketing for an episode of Deep Dive. Listen, as we discuss Wendy’s background, including how she first got into managing events and why she specializes in tech. She planned 60 tradeshows in her first year working for a tech company!  

Wendy explains how early on in her career as an entrepreneur she and her business partner identified five dream clients that they wanted to work with. She explains how much easier their business became after they narrowed their focus and found their niche. We discuss how Wendy and her co-founder found their niche and how having a clearly defined niche helps you speak their language and target their pain points.  

Wendy also shares the ways that technical buyers differ from B2B clients and we talk about how COVID-19 has impacted her clients who traditionally relied on tradeshows for lead generation and what they’re doing now to compensate.  

Finally, Wendy shares what’s next for her business, TREW Marketing, and her insights on what the market will be like in 2021.  

Watch as we do a deep dive with Wendy and learn 

  1. The benefits and value of having a narrow focus or niche.  
  2. The challenges of creating marketing content for technical companies.  
  3. The importance of quality marketing and understanding the subject matter.  
  4. How Wendy helped an engineering company replace paid ads with organic ‘evergreen’ content resulting in more leads than they had ever received from their website.  

| 3 Value Bombs | 

  1. Technical companies need to ensure they demonstrate buyer empathy and understanding of their pain points before communicating the specifications.  
  2. Content marketing is not an overnight success story but you get better results as time goes on. 
  3. Take a look at your messaging and content on your website and ensure that you’re meeting the buyer where they are at. Do the research to understand their pain points and the buyer’s journey.    

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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients