Gifting Customers: Dos & Don'ts


Gift Box

Gift Box (Photo credit: Maeflower72)

This week I was finally going to be face to face with a client of 2 years. As a small business coach who mostly works with clients by phone, I’d never met him. With great excitement, I gave him the gift I’d had prepared especially by a new gift basket consultant who made unique arrangements specific to the client. Low and behold, I gave him the much-anticipated surprise gift and it turned out to be a pink scarf with bubble bath soap–I mixed up the gifts! If you don’t want to goof up like I did during the holidays, here are some darn fine tips below:

1. DON’T give expensive gifts.
Unless you’re selling very big-ticket items, an expensive gift seems more like a bribe than a gift.
2. DO follow laws and regulations.
There are some professions where accepting a gift from a client is either unethical or illegal.
3. DON’T gift mere prospects.
Giving a gift too early in a business relationship is like when a guy shows up on a blind date with a dozen roses.
4. DO gift something meaningful.
The more it matches the customer, the more it will be appreciated.
5. DON’T gift promotional items.
If a “gift” has your corporate logo on it, you are asking the customer to provide you with free advertising, so it is not really a gift.
via Gifting Customers: Dos & Don’ts.

This year, for the first time ever, I wanted to make December the month to see my clients and colleagues face to face and give them a small something so show my appreciation. I really love seeing their faces after hours of confidences shared over the phone.  What are you doing for your clients this Holidays?
Need more chicken soup for your biz? Follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook or connect with me on LinkedIn –and let’s talk!
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  1. aviralkulshreshtha

    Nice article Chala. This is very informative.

  2. William Greenhow

    Some good tips. I would add, after reading about your experience, to label the gifts to whom they are going too. Thank you. Bill


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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients