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Social Distance Marketing: How to Thrive in the Crazy World of Self-Isolation with Chala Dincoy

A former corporate slave, Chala Dincoy is the CEO of The Repositioning Expert. She’s a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their message to successfully sell to corporations.

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3 Value Bombs

1) The biggest mistake of a business is not pivoting to the new market needs and resisting packaging their wisdom to sell online.

2) The best way to stand out is to super-niche.

3) The #1 way to differentiate in the pandemic – or before or after or without a pandemic – is to super-niche.

Show Notes

Today’s Audio MASTERCLASS: Social Distance Marketing: How to Thrive in the Crazy World of Self-Isolation with Chala Dincoy

[1:34]– Chala shares something interesting about herself that most people do not know.

  • She used to sell cemetery property as a teenager.

[3:16] – What are some of the biggest mistakes that are paralyzing small businesses right now?

  • The biggest mistake of a business is not pivoting to the new market needs and resisting packaging their wisdom to sell online.

[6:01] – What is going to be the hardest thing for small businesses that need to go online?

  • The hardest thing is standing out amongst the millions of free and cheap offers in a reduced spend pool.

[8:15] – What is the best way to stand out?

  • The best way to stand out is to super-niche.
  • Chala has helped several businesses to super-niche. Some examples include:
    • An IT company super-niched into on-hold rescue for healthcare call centers, where they reduce the wait times.
    • A generic marketing strategy company super-niched into helping food manufacturers get listed, and stay listed, in grocery stores.
    • A wealth adviser super-niched into helping divorcing-women maintain their lifestyle after the divorce.
    • A leadership coach super-niched into a decision-making coach for manufacturing firms.

[11:16] – JLD also shares an example of a business that super-niched to stand-out.

  • A restaurant holding an online cooking show.

[13:00] – A timeout to thank our sponsors, ZipRecruiter and Klaviyo!

[15:52]– How can you tell if a business has a good niche?

  • Chala can tell if a business has a good niche from hearing their elevator pitch when they introduce themselves.
  • She grew her own super-niche to help small businesses fix their elevator pitches.

[18:17] – Chala shares how she helps small businesses figure out their niche.

  • She worked for big companies for 20 years. Her job was to figure out the company’s positioning, target market, price point, and messaging.
  • When she left the corporate world to focus on small businesses, she thought of a way to put together all her learnings from the corporations she used to work with.
  • She now does research that is strategic, systematic, and fool-proof for her clients.

[20:14] – Chala shares a few more examples of businesses she has helped

  • An ad agency for strategy and design pivoted to get leads online for food service manufacturers 10 times faster than sales staff.
  • A translation company pivoted to become known as the fastest translators of other languages.
  • A pre-employment company pivoted to have a quick track process that is 30% faster than others.

[22:04] – Chala helps JLD polish his pitch.

[25:45] – Chala’s parting piece of guidance & Call to Action for Fire Nation

Killer Resources!

1) Free Podcast CourseLearn from JLD how to create and launch your podcast!

2) Your Big IdeaFollow JLD’s FREE training & you’ll discover Your Big Idea in less than an hour!

3) Funnel On Fire: Learn how to create a funnel that converts!

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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients