I'm Giving Birth

The Prototype for my new invention that I gave birth to called a Clientometer

For those of you who know me, I’ve already given birth to a too cute baby named Logan and I’m too old to do it again. However, I am giving birth to new ideas in my business that will help more entrepreneurs figure out their marketing so they can go out there and get more clients. Lately, my imagination has been so fertile that I’m coming up with new things virtually everyday!
If you’re also interested in giving birth to new ideas and products in your business, here are a few quick tips to help you make more money and serve more people.
Where Are Your Clients Stuck?
My clients, who are successful business people in their own right, hire me to grow their business faster because their current marketing isn’t yielding enough clients. So each time that we start working together, I notice that one issue they constantly run into is the lack of time they spend in front of potential ideal clients. That’s when an idea struck my blond head. Why not piggyback on the success of Weight Watchers and Pedometers and invent something to track weekly interactions with potential clients? And Voila! The Clientometer was born! This is a people counter that is used at bars and other places where something is being counted. The Clientometer comes with a tracking sheet that allows my clients to chart how many of their ideal clients they’re interacting with per week and shows them the direct correlation of their lead conversions. If you’d like to try it out, drop me a line and I’ll get you one.
By focusing on where my clients were getting stuck, I was able to create something specifically to help them. Where are your clients getting stuck that you can do the same for?
What Can You Repackage?
Another new thing I created for loads of potential new clients who couldn’t afford to work with me one on one was a Take Home Self-Study that covered the basics of How To Pick Your Ideal Client, Where To Find Them and What To Say To Them, along with a whole slew of other tools to help a startup get their marketing off the ground. As material, I took all the previous presentations, blogs and group programs I’d delivered in the past and recorded them into audio CD’s and a workbook. Voila! What can you repackage from the wealth of information you already put out there to serve another segment of your target audience?
Where Do You Get Your Inspiration?
A very clever client of mine told me about this amazing service called Fiverr where you can get virtually any marketing service for $5. This is not a joke. I have used Fiverr like a mayor uses crack cocaine for the past few months and I’ve found so many new things to inspire me for my own business. I’ve converted my book to an e-book overnight, I’ve gotten a Santa cartoon of myself, I’ve had logos and whiteboard videos done. Finally, I even created a jingle for my new take home study program. I think it’s really kicked up the start of the intro of this really long program! Have a listen and tell me what you think. I am always looking for ways to serve my clients better. Where can you get your inspiration from to do the same?
Giving birth to new ideas is the perfect was to keep your offering fresh. I don’t mean that you should take your focus off your core focus but by offering new and innovative new ways to serve your clients’ needs, you become more integral to their success.
Need more chicken soup for your biz? Follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook, watch me on YouTube or connect with me on LinkedIn –and let’s talk



  1. My 2014 Un-Resolutions | Coachtactics - […] marketing tenfold on a shoe string. I’m going to keep on inventing crazy things like the Clientometer to help…

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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients