Marketing Advice For A Traffic-less Deli Franchise

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Enjoy my first taping of the regular radio segment I host on The Small Business Big Ideas Show called Ask Chala For Some Gentle Marketing Advice (see recording at the 14:25 minute mark).
Listen in as a restaurant franchise owner in a mall writes in his Gentle Marketing question about how to generate business in a dead mall with no foot traffic.
The Gentle Marketing solution to this restaurant’s pain of course is first to be known for something. What is the franchise known for?
Host David Cohen replies that it’s a chain known for its healthy food offerings.
I then ask who would be interested in driving to a mall if they’re not already walking in the mall for this food. Logically, the answer would be health conscious people who can’t find a certain kind of food, service or event in the near vicinity to meet their specific needs.
I make a suggestion for the owner of the restaurant to get out and drive in his neighbourhood to see what health related food, competition, activities and other businesses there are that he could partner with.
The segment ends with a clear direction for action to do something related to health and health food. Potentially partnering with other vendors who deal with this target group or holding events related to health like educational seminars to draw them in to the location.
So you can see that everything starts with clarity. If you know what your business stands for (health) and who your perfect client is (clients in the area who care about taking care of their health). The rest is easy…
Need more chicken soup for your biz? Follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook or connect with me on LinkedIn –and let’s talk


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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients