Marketing Mistake 52: Prescribing Before Diagnosing
Naked Marketing - Episode 52 - Chad Betz

Naked Marketing Podcast with Guest, Chad Betz

Chad Betz is a strategic initiatives executive and author of the highly successful book, “Late Bloomer, It’s not too late to succeed!”. In this episode of Naked Marketing, Chad gets open and naked about being too arrogant to understand what his customers really need.

Chad works with various mortgage-buying entities to help them buy and sell the best loans. Aside from the technical aspect of his work, he also advises his clients to craft their own definition of success. This, he says, is crucial to one’s life path, as success means different things to different people. You should always enter a career that will help you achieve your own definition of success.

He admits that in his earlier years, he was overly confident that he knew what his customers wanted or needed. In fact, he once entered into an initial meeting with a potential client offering a service without doing a background check on what that customer wanted. He didn’t get the contract and later found through a colleague that it wasn’t because he was not qualified for the position, but because he wasn’t offering what the client had wanted.

Chad says that you should always be curious about your target audience and ask questions so that you can give the best product or provide the best service for their needs.

Chad’s Top Suggestions On How To Avoid Makings Mistakes

  • Don’t assume your customer’s needs – Remember that you are an expert in whatever field that you are in, but your customers are experts in what they need. The problem is, your customers probably don’t know how to communicate what their needs are.
  • Always ask questions – Tying in with the previous point, try to ask relevant questions to your target audience. Do they really need or want what it is you’re trying to sell?
  • Think holistically – Chad says that most problems with businesses fall in any of three categories: people, process, or production. Learn to assess which of the three “P”s your customer’s pain points fall under and think of ways to address these needs.

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About Your Host: Chala Dincoy

Chala Dincoy is the CEO and Founder of The Repositioning Expert (division of Coachtactics), www.repositioner.com. She’s a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients.

In her former life, Chala was an award winning marketer at companies such as Pepsi, Pizza Hut, Frito Lay, Diageo, Playtex and BIC Inc for 18 years. Now she’s a successful entrepreneur, and the author of 4 books including Gentle Marketing: A Gentle Way to Attract Loads of Clients. Chala’s also an expert featured on major television networks such as ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, as well as a frequent speaker at Nasdaq, Harvard Club of Boston and International Business Conferences.


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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients