As a small business owner, 2014 is my year to be different. It’s my year to be bolder and better. With one big difference: I’m not going to stress about it.
Here’s what I think about New Year’s Resolutions: they stress people (me) out. After all, resolutions are stakes in the ground and vows to yourself right at the beginning of a fresh new year.
I’m going to do it differently this year, instead of this once a year promise to myself, I’m going to make an every day promise. Here is what I promise to do every day of the next year:
Be Myself More
If ever I am afraid to offend, look stupid or unprofessional by saying what I think and doing what I want in my business, I’m going to push myself to be kind and be myself. I will not take on clients who don’t want fast growth. I will not allow complainers and finger pointers in my life.
Laugh More
If I have learned anything in business and in life, laughing connects, it cures and it sells. It is integral to keeping my sanity and my edge in business. Laughing with, at or in any capacity is going to be a huge part of my new year, every day.
Zag Where Others Zig
I’ve already talked about the importance of being different for any business. Well this year, every day I’m going to add something different to my coaching programs. A twist of something I’ve never seen to my keynotes. Tell a new story. Change my website so it doesn’t look like any other coach’s. Stay tuned folks, it’s going to be so much fun.
Give More Value
This year, every day I will think of new ways to take the stress off small business owners’ backs and come up with ways they can improve their marketing tenfold on a shoe string. I’m going to keep on inventing crazy things like the Clientometer to help them go out and get more clients.
Be More Visible
If 2013 was the year I was going to be on TV (which thankfully it was), 2014 is going to involve even more visibility! I am going to be talking non stop to anyone who’ll listen in person at a networking meeting, on video, in print or on TV about how to niche and how to market their small business. Oprah, here I come!
I would dearly love to find out what you’re going to do every single day in 2014. Drop me a line and let me know, maybe I’ll copy you.
Need more chicken soup for your biz? Follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook, watch me on YouTube or connect with me on LinkedIn –and let’s talk

My 2014 Un-Resolutions
About Chala
Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients