View from my room Trump Towers Chicago
Marketing with Luxury
It’s not how it sounds people, we’re both married. It’s more about the night I spent inside Donald’s mind at his hotel (sans Donald in the room) this week. I must say I was really impressed. Not because it’s an expensive hotel, which it is. Not because there’s great service, which there was but more because of the deliberate effort that I could see had been made to differentiate the hotel from all other competitors. Here are a few things that I noticed were different than other rooms I’ve stayed in:
Luxury Was Everywhere
- I didn’t have to get up to turn on all the lights in my suite because it was available at the touch of a button next to my bed.
- There was a TV in my bathroom mirror so I didn’t miss the news!
- If I forgot my workout gear for the gym, it was provided for me.
- There was no ugly Do Not Disturb sign hanging from the door, instead there was a button on the side panel marked ‘Privacy’ which would light up the doorknob to indicate that you wanted privacy.
- I had a kitchenette and a dishwasher in my room. Huh..
- I was offered a choice between electronic or paper newspapers in the morning and given access to my choice.
- I had a free limo ride to my destination in downtown Chicago.
- There was a water bar in a corner of my room with products from all over the world and ranging from $25-$8/a bottle with a full separate menu for water! Love it!
Value Added Differences
- There was a nutrition program for the executive on-the-run. It comprised of a healthy Jenny-Craig style meal program available for the duration of the exec’s stay.
- There was a pet and a kid program. Dog walking, loan of kid’s strollers. In-your-room fitness equipment and programs. Trump’s mind thought of it all.
I Was Made To Feel Special
- I got a personalized letter about the weather expected on the next day during my turn-down service.

The letter I got at turndown service
- Later, when I got home, I got a letter from the Donald himself (I defy you not to open an email that says “A Message From Donald Trump”!)
The Trumps Were Everywhere
From all the Trump kids on my TV (The room TV opens on a default Trump Channel!) to Ivanka’s face on my in-room Magazine, I was truly awed by the brand consistency. Even the chocolate was branded Trump and was packaged as gold bars…

Ivanka Trump on my room TV
You’re probably wondering if this is a travel blog or a hotel brochure for the Trump hotel but don’t forget that I’m always thinking about my own business and that of my clients when I look at the world around me.
Being inside Trump’s mind made me ask myself: “In what way am I offering personalized, value-added services to my clients?”
My Trump Offers
Here are a few luxuries I have created over the years like :
- My VIP clients get limo-pickup to the VIP day meeting, even if they live 5 minutes away!
- I give unlimited access to me for clients between scheduled coaching sessions.
- I don’t have a time limit with clients, if they need more time and I have it, we keep talking. If I have another call, we talk again that day. When they show up, I show up.
- I continue to offer them ad-hock workshops like Social Media and Public Speaking around their specific challenges to inspire them as a group, even though they’re 1-1 clients.
- I have recently developed hands-on programs to support the toughest part of their work which is the market research. I now have a 2-day intensive where we all call our prospects in 1 room, during 1 day, together. The second day, we make sense of the research data we got. It’s intense!
- I meditate on their success. I visualize it for each and everyone of them.
So these have been the cornerstone of building my multi-6-figure business in 3 short years. What about yours?
Want to find out if the market needs you? Follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook, watch me on YouTube or connect with me on LinkedIn –and let’s talk