Polish My Pitch Podcast episode fifteen with Sacha DaRosa, Web Developer

By virtue of being a dear friend, of course I had already Polished Sacha’s Pitch. Just like he had redone my entire website with an amazing custom design! In the podcast, Sacha talks about what his pitch was before we switched it up. He also talks about how uncomfortable it is to change what you’re used to saying and why he now gets a lot of attention (as if having a brand like www.shirtlesswebguy.com wasn’t enough!) and leads with his pitch.


Sacha is a living example of how you can use the right targeting and pain-based messaging to differentiate yourself amongst all your competitors. Because you can bet that he has at least one or two web developers competing with him in every business networking group or trade show that he attends. But none of them are shirtless (he codes that way lol!). And none of them have his elevator pitch. Listen to what he has to say in this episode of Polish My Pitch.

If you thought what Sacha went through was a great experience, email me at chala@repositioner.com to be my next guest.

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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients