Polish My Pitch Podcast episode thirty eight with Mitch Russo

Polishing a pro like Mitch’s pitch was possibly the easiest and quickest episode of Polish My Pitch to date.


Mitch stated the pain and who his target prospect is right off the bat. In fact, the pain of the loss of livelihood for an entire industry of professional spears is extremely timely due to a big virus that starts with a C! Then Mitch talked about how he can help speakers reverse that painful trend and start making money again. Amazing! Who wouldn’t want that if they were listening to Mitch’s elevator pitch? Who wouldn’t ask him for his card or an appointment? Remember, that’s all that I want for your elevator pitch to be able to do. To hook enough interest in your buyer enough to ask for the next interaction. That’s the true meaning of magnetic marketing. You’re the magnet. They’re the one asking for the appointment.

Even though Mitch’s initial pitch was bang on, luckily, I was still able to better Mitch’s Elevator pitch by adding scope and scale to the problem as well as the result. You can see the difference in the pitch before and after adding numbers and stats.

Stats serve a few functions in an elevator pitch. First, they make you look like an expert in that industry or that pain point because you’re offering proof that you are specialized in that pain. Otherwise, why would you be quoting that statistic in your elevator pitch? Second, stats make your prospect feel like they are not alone in their pain and that everyone in their industry or interest group is suffering from the same problem. And last, stats scare people if they were ignorant of the facts into taking some kind of action. Remember, people purchase based on pain. Almost all of the time. Use this in your elevator pitch and book those appointment every time.

If you thought what Mitch went through was a great experience, email me at chala@repositioner.com to be my next guest.

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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients