Polish My Pitch Podcast episode twenty-four with Ellie Amasya, Realtor

Ellie (Elvan) was my first friend in Toronto. Since then she has become one of the hottest, busiest realtors in the Turkish community. As I was expecting, Ellie’s initial elevator pitch was talking about her list of different target groups and her list of different services. Then she added personal details about her years of business and her background as a teacher.

The first thing I taught Ellie was that people don’t care about us. They care about themselves. More importantly, they care about their problems. The biggest issue with Ellie’s pitch was to get her to pick a specific target. I did that by asking her to identify the group that she solved the costliest problem for. That made it easy and she quickly came up with an answer.


Please note that in real life, I would never ever let a client guess this stuff. We would always research it and talk to the market about it first to verify our assumptions.

Then, continuing this incredible 12-minute segment, we talked about the consequence of the problem not being solved. Ellie was also very clear on the pain that foreign businesses had in porting their practice to a whole new country like Canada. I then recommended her pitch to be only about that one segment and that one niche. Once she started to exclusively network with and hook her target prospect with her niche service, then she could gain their trust and cross sell all her other realty services.

Like many successful realtors, Ellie networks a lot. To get more qualified prospects, I recommended that she network exclusively with Chambers of Commerce and joint venture partners like immigration lawyers and accountants who could introduce her to her bulls-eye target. When you’re clear about your target and your specialty, your marketing plan practically writes itself.

If you thought what Ellie went through was a great experience, email me at chala@repositioner.com to be my next guest.

I welcome all your comments and also don’t forget to subscribe and rate our Podcast! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPadNr4E29FsXMy5Hqkr-mQ?disable_polymer=true

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| Listen to the Polish My Pitch Podcast with Chala Dincoy |
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| Connect with Ellie Amasya |
► Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/elvanamasya
► Twitter | https://twitter.com/ellie_amasya
► YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/user/GGIEspanol
► LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/elvan-ellie-amasya-47161a3
► Website | https://www.royallepage.ca/en/agent/ontario/toronto/ellie-amasya/24077/


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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients