Polish My Pitch Podcast episode twenty-six with Leslie Priest, Promo Product Marketing Consultant

Leslie works in the very competitive world of promotional products. When I spoke at their industry conference a few years back, the singular complaint from my audience was that they were embarrassed to say that they worked in the promotional products industry. Can you believe that?

Sadly, there are many such industries that turn prospects off, such as multilevel marketers, realtors and financial advisors. Some of which I’ve had the delightful chance of polishing their pitches on this podcast series.


Getting back to Leslie though, I was able to Polish her Pitch in only 4 minutes because she was very clear on what specific industry to target and although she was less clear on what problem she solved for them, we eventually got there.

Doing this exercise for so many of my students (and guests) at least clarifies what they don’t know about their prospects. In Leslie’s case, she was targeting the transportation industry. Luckily, through my previous work with other transportation companies, I knew that their biggest industry problem with drivers was attrition. So, putting that together with what Leslie already was doing for them through a rewards program, her pitch became crystal clear and sharp.

I do so love my job! A clear and pain-based Elevator Pitch is like magic. It opens doors to sales meetings and turns strangers into hot prospects.

If you thought what Leslie went through was a great experience, come be my next Guest!! Apply HERE

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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients