Polish My Pitch Podcast episode six with Carol Moxam, Coach

Like every single coach I have ever met in my life, Carol was positioning herself as a leadership coach when we first met. When I dug deeper and asked her to look at the biggest problem she’s ever solved and what industry that client was in, all the answers were there. Her marketing strategy and of course her elevator pitch became very obvious. I want to caution you all again that the 5-minute strategy make-over you witness on each podcast episode is very much like the HGTV shows that you see. In other words, you see a glossed over version of a make-over that actually takes much longer to achieve. When clients and I work together it takes at least 2 to 4 weeks of interviews and analysis to find out the data that we need to determine their communication strategy. As I recently read in a quote and thought it was so true: “it took me 25 years to learn to do what I do in 5-minutes”. However, it doesn’t mean that my gut feelings and the quick strategy recommendation shouldn’t be vetted with actual market insights. That’s what people hire me for, because if you guess at your strategy and keep throwing spaghetti at the wall, you will constantly be stuck at the same revenue with no real growth.


If you thought what Carol went through was a great experience, email me at chala@repositioner.com to be my next guest. I welcome all your comments and also don’t forget to subscribe and rate our Podcast!


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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients