Shock yourself—make a decision


Indecision (Photo credit: Bichuas (E. Carton))

A liability
One of the biggest liabilities of a small business owner is his or her inability to make quick and effective decisions.  In large corporations, unless you’re top management, this is less of a problem because there’s always someone else who’s got more authority than you. So if there’s a decision it’s usually not yours to make alone.
However, small business is different. You need to make a million decisions every day about who to call, what to say, how to blog, what to accomplish first etc. It is an endless stream of decision that ultimately affects your bottom line.
Why so hard?
How come decision making is so hard for most people? Renowned leadership author and guru Napoleon Hill said that most successful leaders of all walks of life are capable of quick and effective decisions. They decide and move quickly. Why is it then that I look around me and see a sea of indecision when faced with either a buying decision or a change to a business? The root of every inability is simple—it’s fear. Fear that the decision will be regretted.
Shake the bad habit
If your small business could definitely stand to grow, I challenge you to take small steps to get yourself rid of the indecision demon.  Make simple decisions everyday that lead to bigger ones as time goes on.
For example, decide and act on three new things you’ll incorporate into your business practice. (Like trying a new cold calling script or visiting a new association that you’ve never heard of etc.) Then the next week, you can graduate up to the bigger decisions like hiring a VA or refreshing your website etc.
Incomplete means indecision
If you look at anything incomplete in your life and business you’ll see that it’s because of indecision.  Take stock and make some decisions today, then you’ll start to see true transformation everywhere you look.
Need more chicken soup for your biz? Follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook or connect with me on LinkedIn –and let’s talk!


  1. Andrea Orozco

    I like your article. I have been in business for the past 11 years and as I evaluate when my business has been at is lowest, it has been when I have been paralyzed with fear and I am unable to make quick decisions. When I am at my best and most confident, I move swiftly, easily and happily.

    • chaladincoy

      Been there too Andrea. That’s how come I write about it all the time! You’re doing great. So proud..

  2. aviralkulshreshtha

    This is great article Chala.. It will surely help me going forward.. Thanks once again. 🙂

    • Chala Dincoy

      Thanks as always Aviral. How’s the teddy bear venture?

      • aviralkulshreshtha

        Yea I have already started working on it and prepared business model and other related docs. Also floated survey form. Now working out on business plan. Still need to do a lot… Chala thanks a lot for showing me the right track. I will need your valuable guidance some time in near future. 🙂



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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients