Should You Be Anti-Valentine's?

It might seem like a very odd sentiment to be anti-Valentine’s for a romantic fool like me but I have my reasons. If I get another email or newsletter with a LOVE theme this week, I’m going to literally throw up like my 3 year old did last night at daycare (yes, he’s got another bug!).
I don’t dislike love, appreciation or romance. However, as a brand marketing expert, I break out in hives if you’re not DIFFERENT than others, especially if you want to stand out in your industry. Let me share some ways that I think you can be different:
1. Be Controversial
Did my post title get your attention? I’ll bet I’ll have higher open rates this week than at other weeks. Ever wonder why people fight so much on reality shows? That’s because the producers tell them to since it garners more attention from viewers than a sedate show. Take a lesson from show biz and add some controversy into your messaging. Stand for something you believe in. Speak up against something that bothers you. Defend something that nobody else seems to have time for. For example, it is my life long mission to stop women from being uncomfortable marketing themselves. What’s your stake in the ground?
2. Make Your Brand Voice Clear
I talk about this so much that I’m still amazed when I meet “me-too” businesses who can’t be distinguished from one another. As small business owners, our personalities ARE our brands. We need to shout about who we are in every aspect of our communication. For example, I recently signed on a new client who is a money coach.  While chatting casually, I discovered that before hitting the big time with banks as a multimillion dollar portfolio investment advisor, she acted in movies with Johnny Depp in Paris! How many money coaches do you know who have acted with Johnny Depp? How can you forget her once you’ve heard her story?
3. Reverse What Your Competition Is Doing
Here’s an example, take a keynote title that your competition is delivering, say “Social Media Made Easy” and reverse it to garner more attention and be more interesting “Social Media Giving You A Headache?”. Be different. Zig when they Zag. Watch what others do and don’t for the love of God copy. Reverse it.
So, as I celebrate at a romantic dinner date night out with my beloved hubby on this Valentine’s, I’ll be telling him about this post that has hopefully helped you realize that: NO, you shouldn’t send a valentine’s message to your audience just because it’s the season but instead, you should take the opportunity to get their attention by being different in a way that reflects who YOU really are.
Need more chicken soup for your biz? Follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook or connect with me on LinkedIn –and let’s talk!


  1. Melissa

    Great message Chala! I am so tired of the “me too” message. I rarely am engaged by or purchase from companies with this type of unoriginal message.

    • Chala Dincoy

      Thanks Melissa, I love your url, my tag is similar. Authenticity is the new black! Take care.



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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients