Why an Amazing Logo is More Important to a Startup

You know what they say about first impressions right? Imagine going on a blind date wearing your mother’s clothes or no clothes at all. How is that different from haphazardly choosing your logo or not even having one (ie.simple text in a different colour)… Read below for really good tips on how to get a strong logo.

STEP 1: Create a strong message

The first step for any startup is figuring out what your business represents in the marketplace and, more importantly, what makes you unique.  So take the messaging and concepts that summarize your offering and use them to create the words or initials that will appear in your logo (also including a tagline if necessary to further clarify your positioning).

STEP 2: Seek out inspiration

Even the most creative people need a source of inspiration from time to time. So once you have your brand message locked, browse a variety of graphic design websites for ideas.  Additional resources geared specifically to logo design include: Coroflot, FreeLogoServices, Hongkiat and the Web design blog at 1st Web Designer.

STEP 3: Show it to people you trust

Though you are ultimately the best judge of the words and images that represent your business, it’s always a good idea to get a second, third or even fourth opinion before finalizing the design process. Show your finished logo to trusted friends as well as customers, partners and suppliers with experience in your niche.

via Why an Amazing Logo is More Important to a Startup.
Remember to take a good long look at your logo to see if it’s making a strong impression.
Need more chicken soup for your biz? Follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook or connect with me on LinkedIn –and let’s talk!


  1. hartsoffice

    I have a really cool logo for Harts Office an I was thinking about how to get it out there…

    • chaladincoy

      Let’s see it! And define ‘out there’.

        • chaladincoy

          in case you didn’t get my brand character ebook I sent, the way to decide if the logo is good is 1. if it represents your brand character and 2. if your target (the people in town) think it resonates with their needs for whatever you are offering them.
          Hope that helps

          • hartsoffice

            It does, and I just double checked my email and found and downloaded you book, I apologize for the delay I (as is everyone) busy, got a book called Platform about blogging and it has too much to digest!


  1. 15 wonderfully simple logo designs « KNunez Web Design - [...] Why an Amazing Logo is More Important to a Startup (coachtactics.com) Share this:FacebookTwitterLinkedInPinterestTumblrStumbleUponDiggRedditPrintEmailLike this:LikeBe the first to like this…
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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients