Go Virtual or Vanish
Yep, that's what a new McKinsey Covid B2B Decision Maker study is pretty much indicating. The stats are staggering and you'll be drinking the digital coolAid once you've read them. Spends Dropping Faster Than The Speed of Light 50% of spending is projected to drop...
Refusing to Turn on The Zoom Camera
The pandemic has probably got you sick of Zoom meetings. People who'd never heard of video conferencing are now having to do it as a regular part of their lives. My 11-year-old has no less than 5 Zoom calls a DAY as part of his private school curriculum. So I...
You Have To Respond To The Panic
We are in an unprecedented panic and chaos in the world. That's not news to you. But if you're a small business trying to navigate the mess, what might be news to you is that you have to change. And fast. Pivot Pivot American Airlines is taking out seats out of...
Corona Virus Marketing
"I just don't know where to network anymore Chala, what with the virus now and all big meetings and conferences being postponed. What do I do?" asked my client when we talked about her marketing plan this week. Hence, the birth of the new term that I've coined for...
The Longer It Takes To Describe You, The Less You Get Paid
I was almost gleeful when I came upon this quote in an article about "How to Sell Better in 13 Simple Words" in Inc magazine. When I read that a famous speaker who makes 6-figures with every talk said the same thing about brevity and clarity making you more...
Responsiveness Is a Currency
Yes, the speed at which you respond to your customers and prospects is literally worth actual money. I didn't always think this way. In fact, I lost a job as a research consultant in my early 30's because I didn't respond fast enough to a big-wig client. So they...
Why the 33% Rise In Perfectionism is Hurting Your Business
I was afraid of doing Facebook Lives until very recently. Before that, I slayed my personal dragon of launching an online course for the first time in my life. Before that, I was afraid to launch a Podcast. Before that..well, you get the idea. What's So Scary Ok,...
Striptease Like Elon Musk To Grow Your Brand
This week, at a Tesla event in China, the world got to witness billionaire genius bad boy Musk doing a sort of strip-tease as he took his jacket off on stage. He was definitely not Magic Mike material. Believe me. Nobody is. Except Channing Tatum-sigh I...
Why You’re Mean To Sales People
I got a call on a Sunday afternoon last week. It was from my old university. The person who was calling was young and had a thick accent I could barely understand. Because she was calling from my university and it's been a few decades since I had anything to do...
How I Gave Birth (to my podcast!)
An estimated 90 million Americans listen to at least one podcast each month, according to Edison Research. But that's not why I did it. Here are the lessons that I learned along the way to birthing this idea of podcasting. Clear The Blocks I knew from my own...
60% of New Biz Owners Are Old
Well, as I just turned 50, I should probably qualify 'old' before I upset too many people. A 2019 research showed that 60% of people who start small businesses are between the ages of 40 and 60. There are so many implications for selling and marketing to these...
Market Out Of Excitement Not Force
Every day at the conferences I speak at, I meet business owners who are should-ing themselves about the guilt of not having done social media or speaking or networking. Some are saying they should have a better elevator pitch. Others are saying they should do more...
About Chala
Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients