Quick Ways To Generate Cash For Your Small Business
Are you in a cash crunch? Well driving spikes in cash flow in your business is akin to an enema. You might feel good after the occasional one but if you binge on them, you'll wreck your system. So go ahead and implement one of these solutions below from time to...
Meet The People I Let Tell Me Off So I Can Grow
Yes, as crazy as it sounds, I actually let people tell me off. Worse than that, I pay them to do it. I mean, I don't actually ask them to tell me off and they don't always tell me off but you get the idea. Here are the people who I let shape my life and future...
Why Speaking My Mind Gets Me Clients
I have long thought that being yourself and speaking exactly what you're thinking about your business, your clients, your prospects and your industry is the number one way to market your business. After muzzling myself for the first 20 years of my corporate career,...
Your Success is a Direct Result Of What You Will or Won't Do
Nothing lands responsibility more squarely on someone's shoulder than to accept the title of this blog as truth (thank you David Neagle!). I love this truth because it helps me grow faster, to do more, to get me out of my own way and to inspire others to do the...
Why Slowly Building Trust To Sell Is a Crock
"Chala, I didn't ask for the next appointment in my meeting with the corporate buyer because we're just getting to know each other. That's how I've always built trust with prospects" said my client who had hired me to double her sales and half her sales cycles....
Social Media Is Like Teen Sex (Mom Don't Read This Post)
I recently read that a Google Executive said "Social Media Is Like Teen Sex...Everyone wants to do it, nobody knows how. When it's finally done, there's surprise it's not better". I laughed and laughed when I read this because it's exactly what I'd been thinking....
Horrible Things I Saw While Auditioning For TV
I bought a publicity package where I got trained to pitch via Skype to 15 different TV morning news show producers across the US last week. I am still in PTSD recovery and here are the horrible things that I saw... I'm not as Hot Sh$$ as I Thought I was I have...
Things Dead Entrepreneurs Want To Tell You
Ever wonder what you'd like to tell other entrepreneurs after you've died? I hope I'm not the only one to have this strange compulsion to think such morbid thoughts. Whatever the case, I thought: who better to look to than successful entrepreneurs who are now dead...
Can Bad Presenters Get Clients From Speaking?
The short answer is Yes. Bad Presenters can and often do get clients from speaking. First of all, what are Bad Presenters in my book? They don't engage the audience They have eye-charts with too much info and facts They don't tell stories They don't have audience...
How I Have To Overcome My Fear Of Dogs To Grow My Biz
2022 Note to my readers: This is a blog that I wrote 7 years ago when I first started my TV appearance journey. Since then, I've done 20 appearances all over the US. I've had the pleasure of seeing numerous dogs adopted through this vehicle. Also, my business has...
The Number One Way To Get Corporate Clients
I got to pick the brain of procurement managers of large corporations such as Telus, Coca Cola and National Car Rental at a conference this week. Here are the things they said that they're looking for in a new supplier: Be Different The main thing corporations are...
90% of your 10,000 daily decisions are…
made subconsciously... What? Yeah and it can be bad news if it's keeping you from growing your business or changing your life. What is your Subconscious? It's a storage unit of sorts for the movies you made of your environment through the camera of your perceptions...
About Chala
Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients