4 Ways To Keep Clients From Hiring You Today In my 3rd year of business, I keep running into false and limiting beliefs around doing business in the summer time. People, just because the temperature got above freezing after 6 months of shivering doesn't mean that...
Emotions Make The Decision, Ratinale Makes You Feel Better About It This past week, I went to the International Coach Federation's conference where neuroscientist Richard Boyatzis was the keynote. Let me say that the man was a fountain of information for anyone working in the human...
10 Terrible Excuses Not To Market Your Small Business
As a small biz marketing guru, I've heard them all. They have one thing in common: They are all excuses that are holding you back from your dreams. They are false beliefs you picked up somewhere from your family, your culture, the media, a bad name...
What My Superhero Power Would Be
When I found out that a multimillionaire, multi-talented serial entrepreneur named Tina Roth Eisenberg credits her success with her ability to answer one single question, I was intrigued. The question was: If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?...
What I'm Addicted To Did watching this video make you feel good inside? Well, apparently you should remember that feeling and think of it at least once everyday if you want to change the thoughts that you've become addicted to which might be...
The Biggest Mistake Business Owners Make When Introducing Their Services Hi, this is Chala Dincoy from your no-nonsense marketing coach who gives your small business a booster shot in the arm. In this video I’m going to tell you about the biggest mistake of business owners...
The Absolute Fastest Way To Find WHERE Your Ideal Clients Hang Out (VIDEO) Hi, this is Chala Dincoy from your no-nonsense marketing coach who gives your small business a booster shot in the arm. In this video, I’m going to address THE most asked question I get when I meet small...
Still Bragging About Yesterday? Then You Haven't Done Much Today
Pinballl ClemonsI met and fell in love with a man called Pinball Clemons last week. Not to worry, my husband was already in love with him. I, on the other hand had never met him. CFL Hall of Famer, Vice Chair of the Toronto Argonauts, Michael Clemons was a name I'd...
Is Comfort The #1 Enemy Of Your Success?
Last night, I watched the amazing Ewomen network founder Sandra Yancey speak at our chapter event and when she said that 'comfort is the #1 enemy of success', it was as if a shot was fired off in my head. It resounded so much with what I'm feeling all the time as...
Happy Birthday To Me- 10 Things I Wish I Knew 10 Years Ago
Yes, I'm finally 60 years old.. (not really but I like the admiration and shock when I announce that to people, ha!) As I reflect back on the past decade, I want my small business clients and friends to learn from my failures and successes (and there have been...
Stop Hiding Behind False Ethics Because You're Uncomfortable
I spent a day with the Sales Master James MacNeil this weekend and what he said resounded so well with my own thoughts that I can't stop quoting him to my clients. Here's the story: James was training bank tellers who were on the verge of quitting. These people...
Saint Yourself Scratching Others' Backs Almost every small business I meet gets most of their clients from referrals. However, almost all of them agree that they're not getting enough clients. Well, I'm here to help speed up your lead pipeline. There are 5 ways...
About Chala
Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients