The Absolute Fastest Way To Find WHERE Your Ideal Clients Hang Out (VIDEO) Hi, this is Chala Dincoy from your no-nonsense marketing coach who gives your small business a booster shot in the arm. In this video, I’m going to address THE most asked question I get when I meet small...
Still Bragging About Yesterday? Then You Haven't Done Much Today
Pinballl ClemonsI met and fell in love with a man called Pinball Clemons last week. Not to worry, my husband was already in love with him. I, on the other hand had never met him. CFL Hall of Famer, Vice Chair of the Toronto Argonauts, Michael Clemons was a name I'd...
Is Comfort The #1 Enemy Of Your Success?
Last night, I watched the amazing Ewomen network founder Sandra Yancey speak at our chapter event and when she said that 'comfort is the #1 enemy of success', it was as if a shot was fired off in my head. It resounded so much with what I'm feeling all the time as...
Happy Birthday To Me- 10 Things I Wish I Knew 10 Years Ago
Yes, I'm finally 60 years old.. (not really but I like the admiration and shock when I announce that to people, ha!) As I reflect back on the past decade, I want my small business clients and friends to learn from my failures and successes (and there have been...
Stop Hiding Behind False Ethics Because You're Uncomfortable
I spent a day with the Sales Master James MacNeil this weekend and what he said resounded so well with my own thoughts that I can't stop quoting him to my clients. Here's the story: James was training bank tellers who were on the verge of quitting. These people...
Saint Yourself Scratching Others' Backs Almost every small business I meet gets most of their clients from referrals. However, almost all of them agree that they're not getting enough clients. Well, I'm here to help speed up your lead pipeline. There are 5 ways...
Take The 2-Second Why-You're-Not-Rich Test
I have to admit, I've been reading T.Harv Eker again. Yup, I'm forcing my hubby to listen to it, I'm talking to friends about it over coffee and I'm incorporating it into my sales conversations and it's powerful. You think you're spared from this as my blog reader?...
Are You Letting Your Competitors Decide Your Marketing?
Nothing in the world gets me as fired up as small businesses doing something to market their business because they've seen their competitors doing it. It happens so often that it's like some deeply buried, embarrassing secret of all entrepreneurs. Why A Copy Cat?...
The Internet Is Not Going To Save Your Business
There are so many of us out there, so called marketing experts. I dare you to ask any one of us WHY we're doing something and if they say 'it's expected in this industry' or 'it's the latest and greatest technology', then I say they can't help you. However, if they...
Love What People Criticize You Most For
After years of going to the I Can Do It! conference, I walked away from this year's with this amazing insight. Ready for it? Think about what people most often criticize you for. Most likely it's what you beat yourself up the most for. Maybe it's perfectionism,...
Signs That You're Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places
I'm talking about CLIENT Love, that is... All day every day I am with small business owners. Either I'm meeting them in networking events, speaking at their association meetings or sitting next to them at luncheons. After speaking with them for a couple of minutes,...
Why Refusing To BE Your Brand Is Hurting You
Notice: If you have dangly parts, you may choose to stop reading this post because it's mostly about women but chances are you have women in your life or sometimes feel like they do so go ahead, take a look. Happy International Women's Day. It's been a tough job...
About Chala
Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients