Why Your Email Address Is Turning Me Off
Small Business Month was so busy for me that I found myself handling a really high amount of new business cards recently. In fact, I added so many new email addresses to my personal database through public speaking, conference coaching and networking events that I...
My Scary Drive Through The US Border
Just in time for Halloween, I can tell you what I learned about fear during my first scary drive through the US Border this week. Fear is fear people, and here's how to apply those lessons to your small biz. Be Scared But Do It Anyway My coach says that only 5% of...
How Michael E. Gerber Apologized To Me
I was at the Art of Small Business yesterday, a conference with a $349 ticket that had famous speakers like Brett Wilson (Dragon's Den) and Michael E. Gerber (The E-Myth books). I learned quite a few things I want to share with my own peeps and even got an apology...
When Someone In The Audience Ranted On Me
I was speaking at the SOHO Entrepreneur's conference this week. The room was packed. I had a tiny speaking time slot I'd begged my way into and the organizers were frantically giving me the 'you're out of time' gestures. At the end of my talk, something unexpected...
4 Signs Your Scarcity Mentality Is Strangling Your Biz
Today, I am on track to triple my last year's revenue. Yet I'm the product of a humble immigrant household who used to be champion coupon clippers (my Mom had the coupon holder purse thingy) and Olympic caliber Sale Hunters. I even remember going into a supermarket...
7 Things Really Amazing Communicators Do
When your small business success depends on your ability to communicate, you'd better care about what amazing communicators are doing so that you can copy them. Here are 7 cues about what the heck they're doing in an article in Inc. Magazine by Kevin Daum. 1. They...
Dress Up Your Biz as These Hot Headlines For Halloween
You thought Halloween was just for kids and drinking parties. Entrepreneurs take note, your business can take a cue and 'dress up' by being inspired by these recent events for the occasion. Here's a truly silly look at how to take advantage of this scaaary holiday...
8 Silly Phrases Marketers Should Avoid
Marketers are silly people anyway. They have to marry creativity with the bottom line. They have to entertain and educate and solve problems. So is it surprising that they've created silly phrases and that there are only 8 of them? Geoffrey James from Inc. Magazine...
How I Was Lied To For A Sale-Genius Strategy Or Corrupt?
Ever tell a lie to sell something? Well, what if that were your ENTIRE sales and marketing strategy? Let me explain...Just about everybody in the free world knows that I was recently vacationing in sunny Jamaica. Here's what happened on our way back from the...
Is Your Web Presence Getting You More Customers?
You think you're a hot shot online? Think again, in Abigail Tracy 's Inc Magazine article, study findings show that customers think a lot less of your business than you think they do. Here are the stats: A recent study by found that small businesses...
How NOT To Turn A Coffee Date Into A Client
Part of my recent strategy that's been responsible for doubling my small business revenue in half a year has been having coffee dates with potential leads. This has been working so well for me that I thought I'd make a list of the things that DON'T WORK that I've...
50 Shades Of Marketing
What does marketing your darling small business have to do with the book series that has sold over 70 million copies worldwide and set the record as the fastest-selling paperback of all time, surpassing the Harry Potter series? If you're a savvy marketer, a lot....
About Chala
Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients