97% Buyers Buy On Testimonials

Asking a friend has a whole new meaning when it comes to buying. In fact, Nielsen research says that 92% of consumers say that they look for peer recommendations. It’s no different in B2B buying. In this world, testimonials and reviews are the second most important criteria for purchase (direct recommendation is the first one). How do you have an effective Testimonial Strategy so you can harness this amazing marketing tool?

Have a Niche Strategy

I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t bring having a niche strategy into any marketing related advice I give. A niche is grouping your testimonials by industry and by pain. Without a focused niche strategy, testimonials will be less meaningful because they won’t be relating to the prospect’s own industry pain or even terminology. In marketing, not having a niche-in my opinion-is like being a rudderless ship. You have no idea what to even ask a client to say in their testimonial.

Use A Formula

My favourite formula for any marketing message is the same for testimonials: problem/solution/result. My clients and I use this very same formula in everything from testimonials to elevator pitches, case studies, sales presentations, speeches, ads, Linkedin posts and so on. The sky is the limit when you use this very simple formula that allows your prospect to understand exactly how you can help solve their same problem.


Using your clients’ testimonials in your content strategy is a win-win. My testimonials are repurposed on social media, used on my website as well as used as Linkedin recommendations. I only have to ask for it once and then my team does the job of reformatting it to fit different content needs. It’s a win for you and it’s a win for the client you are featuring.

Interview Them

I love the interview testimonial format because it’s a very frank and interactive representation of your relationship and dynamic with a client. I have built a whole channel around the concept of inviting successful clients to be a guest on my weekly live cast Tuesday Tea Time With Chala and they are delighted to visit. This provides content for me and content for them. It is truly a double sided win.

Testimonials are a must in your marketing. Develop a strategy and follow some of these suggestions and you will see how quickly your word-of-mouth builds.

Want to reposition your messaging to grow your leads? Follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook, watch my Podcast on YouTube or connect with me on LinkedIn –and let’s talk.


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About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients