

Do Sales-y People Nauseate You?

Do Sales-y People Nauseate You?

If the title of this blog post got your notice, you might have at one point in your life been turned off and even offended by a person selling something. That person could have even been me who nauseated you! I used to feel exactly the same way. Now I know why and...

My 2014 Un-Resolutions

My 2014 Un-Resolutions

As a small business owner, 2014 is my year to be different. It's my year to be bolder and better. With one big difference: I'm not going to stress about it. Here's what I think about New Year's Resolutions: they stress people (me) out. After all, resolutions are...

Tired Of Holiday Wishes Yet?

Tired Of Holiday Wishes Yet?

I adore vacations and time spent with loved ones as much as the next gal. I love presents and shiny decorations and big celebrations more than you can imagine. Then what's my beef about getting a gazillion Happy Holidays emails in my inbox? It's not differentiated....

I'm Giving Birth

I'm Giving Birth

For those of you who know me, I've already given birth to a too cute baby named Logan and I'm too old to do it again. However, I am giving birth to new ideas in my business that will help more entrepreneurs figure out their marketing so they can go out there and...

100 Days Of Rejection Therapy

100 Days Of Rejection Therapy

All day, everyday I teach small business owners to stop being afraid of something. Stop being afraid of calling strangers, of public speaking, of networking, of increasing their prices, of asking for coffee dates and of course, the big one, of asking for the sale....

About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients