
70% of Buyers Watch a Video Before Buying

I recently had a 20-year-old video production company tell me that they were going to close their business because there was no future in video production. Having been price-shopped and undercut by amateurs with far less expertise and experience, they were at their...

Half of All Buyers Think Sales Reps Are Pushy

Are you surprised that one out of every two person you sell to thinks you or your reps are pushy? I’m not surprised you’re surprised because  only 17% of reps themselves see themselves as pushy. Wow. Here’s another doozy..only 3% of buyers trust a...

Can't Reach That Buyer?

  I often hear the complaint from businesses that they just can’t reach that hard-to-reach buyer. Having purchased services for giant brands for the past 20 years, I thought I’d share the advice I share with my clients around this very painful...

How Quickbooks Aced Pain Based Messaging

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncQQ6mpHH3k What was the last time you bought something? I bet it was to solve a problem. Well you’re not alone. Research shows that 70% of consumers buy something to solve a problem (a pain) and only 30% buy to enhance something,...

How Attractive CEOs Are Leaving Money On The Table

If you’re a good looking CEO, you just might be leaving oodles of cash on the table for your business. How? By not being more visible in your marketing and selling, that’s how. Here’s how science backs up my point… Beauty Sells In...

Why You're Losing The Sale

Ever heard of the saying ‘No Pain, No Gain’? This usually goes through my mind at the gym but it has a whole new meaning in business. Latest research from B2B consulting company Altify shows that when sellers are able to uncover the customer’s business...