Targeting Mistakes

Targeting Mistakes

Every business that’s launching or trying to grow has to decide who best to target as a customer. Why target? Because without a strategically defined specific target, businesses won’t know who to market to, who to hang out with, who to invest in, whose...
3 Ways To Minimize Sales Objections

3 Ways To Minimize Sales Objections

When selling a high ticket offer to B2B buyers, it’s natural to expect them to have objections. Luckily, stats show that if you satisfy their questions, close rates go up to 64% (source: Webstrategies.com). This begs the question: are there tactics and...
79% of Revenue Champs Do Personalized Marketing

79% of Revenue Champs Do Personalized Marketing

Creating your own running shoe or using skin matching to find your exact shade of makeup? Personalized marketing isn’t just for the B2C world anymore. It has always been in the B2B world but it has suddenly become even more important in 2023 with the...
3 Signs Your Messaging Isn’t Working

3 Signs Your Messaging Isn’t Working

Your messaging is everything from the copy on your website to what comes out of your mouth when prospects ask you for your elevator pitch. But is it any good? Here a some signs that it may not be working and why. It Doesn’t Convert Month after month you go from...
80% Marketers Already Prepared for Recession

80% Marketers Already Prepared for Recession

There’s a lot of uncertainty lately in the wind. How are big businesses preparing for it? Well Hubspot asked Marketing execs just that question and found that a whopping 80% are already planning for it. Here is what they’re doing to hunker down during the...
About Page As a Positioning Tool

About Page As a Positioning Tool

Seeing as how the ‘About’ page is the 2nd most visited section of any website after the ‘Home’ page, you need to be very careful about how you use it. In fact, why don’t you use it to position and differentiate your company? Here’s...