How To Stop Buyers From Cancelling Your Meetings
My frustrated new client exploded "Chala, I can't believe the buyer cancelled another follow up meeting! It took me months to get these guys to give me a chance to do a product demo and now I have to go back to the drawing board to drum up another meeting! Where am...
Are You Doing Throwing Spaghetti At The Wall Marketing?
What the heck am I going on about now, you ask? Well, so many new clients say to me "I've tried it all, Chala. SEO, new website, expensive magazine ad, FaceBook advertising, outsourced LinkedIn content guy from the Philippines, call centres to do cold calls to set...
Our Pitch Sucks But We're Growing Anyway
I've been conference coaching for the past 2 days. Conference Coaching is where I give free advice for a private, 20 minute session to a company's CEO about what they can do to sell or market better. One of the common things I've been hearing from CEOs is that they...
People Need What I'm Selling, Right?
No buddy, they don't. One of the most important things that I teach my clients is that, sadly, the world isn't always looking to buy what they're selling. It's a low blow, a crushing disappointment and a bummer but there you have it. Why is that and what can you do...
Sorry We Only Work With Big Brands
When my interior designer clients told me about this objection that they'd gotten from big brand hotels, I had to stop myself from shouting 'liar, liar pants on fire!'. Because having purchased services for mammoth brands for 2 decades, from both big vendor brands...
Nobody Opens My Emails
No, I don't mean that people don't open MY emails, hello-you're reading this aren't you? No, it's just that I hear this complaint about a 100 times a day in my line of work. From frustrated clients, from business owners and even from my own dear Mother! Here's why...
Too Small To Differentiate Against a Giant?
Think again. You are NEVER too small to compete against anyone! Which is why I LOVED this latest story about how Best Buy, the electronics retailer who was on the verge of banktrupcy is actually growing because of a key differentiator against their giant competitor...
Automating The Personality Out Of Your Brand
Are you guilty of automating the unique selling point which is the personality out of your brand? Let's see.. What Is Your Brand Personality If you're Nike or Staples, your brand personality has been carefully crafted and created by teams of marketing geniuses....
People Don't Understand What We Do From Our Pitch
Do you know when a CEO or a sales rep delivers their elevator pitch and people have NO clue what they actually do for a living? Well, it actually happens all the time. Sadly resulting in no sales and no next appointment, nothing. Just confusion and an awkward smile...
Breaking My Sales Record At The Conference
Yeah, I did. I broke my own sales record at the recent WBENC National Conference I just came back from. It was fun and it was great but it wasn't exactly a surprise. In fact, I shared most of my secrets with members of my community with a webinar called Conference...
Stop Emailing Prospects Now
In my efforts to help my clients grow their businesses, I have to work especially hard to get them to stop simply emailing prospects. After all, they like email because it's easy, it's safe and there's hardly any rejection involved, right? I mean my clients are...
What On Earth Do I Blog About
If I had a dollar for every time I heard this complaint from a client or any other business owner, I could retire and set up a life in Jamaica tomorrow. People are writhing in the pain of this question and refusing to do anything about it. Well, here's a fool proof...
About Chala
Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients