Why You're Losing The Sale
Ever heard of the saying 'No Pain, No Gain'? This usually goes through my mind at the gym but it has a whole new meaning in business. Latest research from B2B consulting company Altify shows that when sellers are able to uncover the customer’s business problem,...
Content is the Price You Pay to Buy Attention
Some of my clients absolutely refuse to blog. Others swear at me if I tell them to send out newsletters to their clients. Yet others want to hide under the table if I ask them to do a keynote at a conference. Yes, all these things are pieces of marketing content....
Playing Russian Roulette With Your Brand
This is not a B2B story, but it's so interesting that I still have to tell it... Imagine taking everything your brand is built on and gambling with it. If that's not putting a gun to your (brand's) head and spinning the revolver's cylinder to see if you'll get an...
Differentiation Lesson: Starbucks Putting Beef In Their Coffee
You read right, the new Congo coffee is served with a skewer of beef on top. Ewww or Marketing genius? The bigger question for a marketing strategist like me is this: is innovation a more sustainable competitive advantage than expertise? The answer is no, but when...
Signs That Your Brand Is Weak
Would your customers save your brand if it was faced with extinction? This question was answered loud and clear for the brand Snopes recently. is the place you go to if you want to check the validity of a piece of news or claim. Anything from absurd...
Biggest B2B Prospect Red Flag You Should Run Screaming From
There are lots of signs that a B2B prospect isn't the best one for you or for anyone. The biggest one in my experience has been the refusal to talk numbers. Here are some stories of how that's gone down and why your danger feelers should be doing jazz hands at you...
When Price Is Your Only Differentiator You're In Big Trouble
In my Executive Roundtables I often meet businesses who are doing well. They are undercutting the competition and winning bids left right and centre. Life is good. However, a few years later- a competitor has offered lower pricing or they themselves have grown so...
Why You Can't Take Volvo's Terrifying Niching Risk
I almost got teary eyed when I read the news that Volvo was going all electric by 2019, phasing completely out of gas powered cars by 2024. Why? because one of the largest car companies in the world is risking everything they built in 90 years to buckle down...
1 in 5 Smartphone Users Use an Ad Blocker
Ad blockers are changing the entire buying landscape. I mean, buyer psychology has pretty much remained unchanged over the last 100 years. Consumers still buy more frequently to fix something wrong compared to when they buy to enhance something. They still listen...
Can You Still Sell If Your Knowledge is Outdated
The sad and maybe happy answer is yes. Even if you don't know the first thing about the innovations in your industry, I have seen that yes-you can STILL sell your services. Let me explain why: Selling The Old As I attended a small business conference with several...
B2B Buyers Care Twice as Much About Themselves vs. their Business
I always knew it. But now there's science to back it up. A recent study conducted by consulting company CEB proves that B2B buyers are twice as likely to buy based on their own personal values (such as daily frustrations, professional goals, important...
About Chala
Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients