

Blindly Niching In Your Passion

Blindly Niching In Your Passion

One of the number one reasons that consultants and coaches don't get more business is because they are not properly niched. They have no clear idea of which industry needs them the most and what one specific specialty they need to be focusing on to make more money....

How A Fight Broke Out At My Talk

How A Fight Broke Out At My Talk

I blame that fact that I paid $1400 for a 1 hour consult with a pitch coach for a fight breaking out at my talk in Arizona last week. Nobody actually came to blows and there was no blood (that I saw) but it was definitely a fight. Let me start at the beginning......

About Chala

Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients