How Having a Niche Can Save You In a Recession
What does having a really clearly defined narrow niche in both what industry you target and what specialty you offer have to do with thriving in a recession? The short and surprising (not to me) answer is EVERYTHING.Here's why: Price Cutting When a business is hit...
To Voice Mail or Not To Voice Mail When Prospecting
"I'm sorry she's not in right now, would you like her voicemail?". Therein lies the dilemma of what to do at that moment. Do you leave a voicemail or not when you're prospecting? Based on my illustrious former career as a dial-for-dollars telemarketer in my teens...
When Your Beliefs Box You Into A Niche
Beliefs are thoughts you keep thinking every day. That doesn't sound like a bad thing that can 'box' you into anything now does it? Unfortunately beliefs are THE ONLY thing that keep us from bigger success and living our true potential. In the last week alone, I...
You Can Thank Your Bad Marketing Plan For Your Business Seasonality
Summer's over. You're anxiously awaiting the kids to go back to school and for business to pick up again because frankly, the phones haven't been ringing off the hook for the past few months. You've got just a few months to make money before the Christmas slow...
How My Non-Refund Policy Actually Helps Clients Succeed
If you thought that being flexible with clients in your agreements with them and allowing them time to opt out of working with you is a star customer service tactic, you couldn't be more wrong. Listen to this research at Harvard University that proved this point....
What Your Marketing Can Learn From Donald Trump
I'm sure I am not alone in howling with laughter and disbelief at the things dear Donald is doing and saying lately. However, as a marketer and a small business owner, I have to pay attention to what he's doing well in his marketing, which is surprisingly (or maybe...
The One Nightstand You'll Never Regret
Catchy title right? The image was even better, garnering 9 million views worldwide. It was taken by an employee at a furniture trade show of the JTB Furniture company in Columbus, Mississippi. Do you know how many sales they got from that one amazing picture that...
Interview: How to be the Extreme Expert in Your Niche My friend Gene Hammett from Leaders In The Trenches interviewed me about niching and how to grow your business through this method. Here is the article that accompanied...
Blindly Niching In Your Passion
One of the number one reasons that consultants and coaches don't get more business is because they are not properly niched. They have no clear idea of which industry needs them the most and what one specific specialty they need to be focusing on to make more money....
Invested In Every Coaching Program and Still Have No ROI?
I've been talking to a lot of coaches and consultants as a result of recent sponsorships I've been doing at large conferences. The fact that a lot of them have invested in a lot of fruitless programs to grow their business, is the refrain I hear from a lot of them...
How A Fight Broke Out At My Talk
I blame that fact that I paid $1400 for a 1 hour consult with a pitch coach for a fight breaking out at my talk in Arizona last week. Nobody actually came to blows and there was no blood (that I saw) but it was definitely a fight. Let me start at the beginning......
The Anatomy of An Ecstatic Client Voicemail Every coach wants to get a call like this. I listened to it over and over again and now share it with my client's permission! "Chala it's Maryann. I did it, I sold a $500 package. I am so freaking awesome. I...
About Chala
Chala Dincoy is a Marketing Strategist who helps B2B service providers reposition their marketing message to successfully sell to corporate clients