My Linkedin Prospecting Story

My Linkedin Prospecting Story

I’ve said goodbye to the stages and crowded networking rooms thanks to a pesky little virus you may have heard of. Since then, I’ve hired a new coach and social sellers to change my prospect funnels to online ones. It’s been quite the experience, let...
Why Lockdown Is Good For Your Pitch

Why Lockdown Is Good For Your Pitch

I was recently in one of the most frenzied and yet best organized networking experiences of my life. In lockdown. A virtual conference networking on Zoom. Then I understood why this lockdown was good for everyone’s elevator pitch. Here’s the story.....
Your Brand and George Floyd

Your Brand and George Floyd

What, if anything should your brand say about George Floyd right now? Should you say something and risk the ire of people who are in great pain and resentment? Should you ignore the outpouring of emotion? It’s a conundrum that I had to face as a blue-eyed,...
Amazing Virtual Pivots

Amazing Virtual Pivots

I loved reading about these amazing brick and mortar businesses who took a virtual approach to selling. I wanted to share them with you in this week’s post. Who Needs Gyms Anyway As a pre-covid gym rat, I would have rather not worked out for days if I...
Go Virtual or Vanish

Go Virtual or Vanish

Yep, that’s what a new McKinsey Covid B2B Decision Maker study is pretty much indicating. The stats are staggering and you’ll be drinking the digital coolAid once you’ve read them. Spends Dropping Faster Than The Speed of Light 50% of spending is...